Designed to be the successor to legacy PHA/HAZOP software tools, the HAZOP Module not only offers an intuitive Human-Machine Interface (UI) to accelerate HAZOP studies and quickly view HAZOP data, but gives organizations the ability to standardize their processes. Instant reports reduce the cost of 3rd party experts, and the underlying data allow SMEs the ability to study how the organization executes risk management.

Designed to be the successor to legacy PHA/HAZOP software tools, the HAZOP Module not only offers an intuitive Human-Machine Interface (UI) to accelerate HAZOP studies and quickly view HAZOP data, but gives organizations the ability to standardize their processes. Instant reports reduce the cost of 3rd party experts, and the underlying data allow SMEs the ability to study how the organization executes risk management.



  • Facilitate HAZOP studies directly in SLM or import HAZOP data from other sources
  • Configure HAZOP facilitation tables to company standards and procedures
  • Conduct project HAZOPs with option to include the results with the HAZOP of record
  • View HAZOP risk assessment results by different levels of scope, such as plant, area, and unit
  • Configure and organize user interface tables to fit style preference
  • Link process equipment to HAZOP scenarios to determine equipment at risk
  • Plot hazardous scenarios on SLM’s Dynamic Risk Matrix
  • Link HAZOP scenarios to LOPA module scenario data
  • Link safeguarding barriers with protective systems identified in later Safety Lifecycle modules
  • Track HAZOP recommendation gap closures
  • Automatically generate Barrier lists as HAZOP scenarios are documented
  • HAZOP Facilitation Report that lists all HAZOP Nodes, Deviations, and Scenarios in one complete output to review, email, print, and share with your team or across the organization
  • HAZOP Recommendations Report that shows all recommendations from a HAZOP in a simple filterable display to help identify the areas of highest priority for resolution and further study
  • Generate Critical Equipment List Report that quickly identifies which equipment is critical to plant safety and how that equipment is covered
  • Generate Action Items for further analysis or study by the HAZOP team directly from any recommendations, then assign and track the item it to closure
  • Initiate HAZOPs directly from the plant hierarchy at the unit level to quickly start HAZOP studies and drive operational awareness
  • HAZOP study approval process with email notification

Basic Module Functionality


Orientation of the Module

Managed HAZOP Data:

  • Studies by Site, and Operational Unit
  • Study Types (HAZOP of Record,  Project, Re-Evaluation)
  • Dynamic Risk Matrix
  • Dynamic Risk Report
  • Study Properties
  • Team Participants
  • Sessions
  • Nodes
  • Study Equipment
  • Deviations
  • Scenario Causes
  • Scenario Consequences
  • Scenarios with Suggested Safeguards and Recommendations
  • Recommendations
  • Safeguards
  • Report
  • Approval Workflow

HAZOP Reports:

  • Approved HAZOP Study List Dynamic Risk Matrix
  • Critical Equipment List
    1. Inherent Risk Chart
    2. Recommendations
    3. Re-Evaluation Timeline
    4. Review
    5. Safeguard List
    6. Scenarios Requiring LOPA vs. LOPAs Performed

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Does the SLM® System support multiple PHA methodologies?

    The SLM® system supports multiple Process Hazard Analysis methodologies out of the box, some of which includes HAZID, HAZOP, CHAZOP, WHAT-IF, LOPA, etc.

    Does the SLM® System support different HAZOP Types (HAZOP of Record, Project HAZOP, etc.)?

    Yes, the SLM® system uses TÜV certied IEC61511 compliant fault tree calculation methodology which allows for very complex calculations and SIF modeling with a few clicks of a button.

    Is the HAZOP Module configurable, including for different Risk Matrices and Targeted Mitigated Event Likelihoods?

    The SLM® system’s highly configurable Dynamic Risk Matrix (DRM) can be set up at the enterprise level (organizational DRM template) and be synchronized for any Site within the SLM® system. This provides the user the ability to employ the Risk Matrix setup standardized by the organization or, in a case where a Site uses a different setup, modify it to match the accepted standard at the current location. The setup of the DRM includes selecting the Targeted Mitigated Event Likelihood to various Severity Classes

    Does the SLM® System offer template creation for efficiency during PHA process?

    The “Standard Process Deviation” functionality within the SLM® Global Module allows organizations to create their own custom Parameter, Deviation, Guideword to simplify and accelerate the process of performing a HAZOP. At the start of a HAZOP or the creation of a new node in the HAZOP, these previously created Deviations can be opted for inclusion in the node. In addition to setting up Deviations, equipment types can be modeled prior to the HAZOP being performed that bring in Deviations upon the selection of a specifc equipment type, for example: Boilers, Compressors, Drivers, etc.


    Are you ready to take the next step in your Safety Lifecycle Management Journey?