Maintenance Management

The Maintenance Management package provides the following efficiencies:

  • Immediately determine upcoming work to be performed and when to schedule, such as upcoming functional testing, test groups due, as well as test summary and status reports.
  • Store and extract testing plan documentation for use when scheduled testing arrives.
  • Enter testing results to immediately update future scheduling of testing and affect prior use failure rates of tested components used in safety functions.
  • Decrease the time for functional events to contribute to prior use by receiving alerts with an upgraded notification system when functional events require approval or to be resubmitted.
  • Document and track competencies and training certifications of personnel involved in maintenance activities.

The Maintenance Management package is comprised of the following modules:

Operate and Maintain

The Operate/Maintain module is designed to capture the in-service performance of protective systems and functions and associated devices within a processing facility, and report on the history and status of these entities. Data captured over time allows managers to identify performance trends and address any discovered problems. System users can easily define Test Procedures for the protective systems and begin recording test data immediately. The Operate Maintain module uses device event data to compile and generate prior use data and subsequent reliability statics. 

  • Failure analysis and demand tracking
  • Overdue test tracking
  • Turnaround test tracking
  • Barrier bypass/override risk assessments
  • Maintenance proof test results and tracking
  • Key performance indicators and dashboards
  • Configure instant reports (weekly, monthly) to organization standards
  • Compile event data over time into prior use data
  • Inspection and maintenance planning
  • Workflows for documenting: Bypass/Override Procedure, Demand Events, Fault/Failure Reporting, Preventive Maintenance Result Reports and Test Events
  • API-RP-754 Tier III Metrics are implemented as a way of tracking challenges to safety systems, such as measures to log large consequence events
  • Main Dashboard presents a widget-based selection of KPIs/Reports displayed as windowpanes that default to the user’s account role
  • Approval Workflow for Event feature allows Personnel objects associated with a user account to approve or reject events through a series of steps
  • Administration reporting available for executing data curing to highlight and enter missing data necessary for optimizing operations data reporting and KPI generation
  • A myriad of general, operational, and testing reports provides thorough views of organized and compiled operations data with navigation links to instantly open specific and more granular data
  • Categorization of reports allows for quick grouping and simplification of more than 60 basic reports to keep report navigation organized and effortless
  • Organize Pending Approvals into a single page view that summarizes all the Pending Events at various levels of the organization
  • Automatic periodic statistic updating refreshes data fields related to Testing and Performance of protective systems and their instrument components
  • Test Event Workflows allow Functions and Devices to be tested independently from each other
  • Integrate protective systems and components with data historians such as PI to automate capturing of real-time events such as demands and bypasses for immediately observed effects on performance and reliability of documented systems


Click here for full module information

Operate and Maintain

The Operate/Maintain module is designed to capture the in-service performance of protective systems and functions and associated devices within a processing facility, and report on the history and status of these entities. Data captured over time allows managers to identify performance trends and address any discovered problems. System users can easily define Test Procedures for the protective systems and begin recording test data immediately. The Operate Maintain module uses device event data to compile and generate prior use data and subsequent reliability statics.

operations engineer


  • Failure analysis and demand tracking
  • Overdue test tracking
  • Turnaround test tracking
  • Barrier bypass/override risk assessments
  • Maintenance proof test results and tracking
  • Key performance indicators and dashboards
  • Configure instant reports (weekly, monthly) to organization standards
  • Compile event data over time into prior use data
  • Inspection and maintenance planning
  • Workflows for documenting: Bypass/Override Procedure, Demand Events, Fault/Failure Reporting, Preventive Maintenance Result Reports and Test Events
  • API-RP-754 Tier III Metrics are implemented as a way of tracking challenges to safety systems, such as measures to log large consequence events
  • Main Dashboard presents a widget-based selection of KPIs/Reports displayed as windowpanes that default to the user’s account role
  • Approval Workflow for Event feature allows Personnel objects associated with a user account to approve or reject events through a series of steps
  • Administration reporting available for executing data curing to highlight and enter missing data necessary for optimizing operations data reporting and KPI generation
  • A myriad of general, operational, and testing reports provides thorough views of organized and compiled operations data with navigation links to instantly open specific and more granular data
  • Categorization of reports allows for quick grouping and simplification of more than 60 basic reports to keep report navigation organized and effortless
  • Organize Pending Approvals into a single page view that summarizes all the Pending Events at various levels of the organization
  • Automatic periodic statistic updating refreshes data fields related to Testing and Performance of protective systems and their instrument components
  • Test Event Workflows allow Functions and Devices to be tested independently from each other
  • Integrate protective systems and components with data historians such as PI to automate capturing of real-time events such as demands and bypasses for immediately observed effects on performance and reliability of documented systems

Managed Operate and Maintain Data:

  • Overview
  • Enterprise Overview
  • SIS List
  • Functions and Events
  • Bypass Summary
  • Test Summary
  • Demand Summary
  • Fault/Failure Summary
  • Device List
  • Generic Models
  • Device Type Performance
  • IPL List
  • Tier III Summary
  • Tier III Scorecard
  • Tier III Data
  • Bad Actors

Operate and Maintain Reports:

General Reports:
  • Availability
  • Bypass Events
  • Bypass Override Procedure Worksheets
  • Current Bypasses
  • Demand Events Recorded
  • Demand Rates
  • Device Event Summary: INPUTS
  • Device Event Summary: OUTPUTS
  • Device List
  • Device Summary: INPUTS
  • Device Summary: OUTPUTS
  • Devices Last Event Failed
  • Devices with Events Prior to Install Date
  • Devices with No Events
  • Equipment Scorecard
  • Event Type Summary
  • Failure Distribution By Generic Model
  • Failure Distribution By Generic Model Graph
  • Failure Distribution by Site
  • Failure Rates
  • Failure Summary
  • Generic Models/Prior Use Statistics
  • INPUTS Failure Rates
  • Install Count and Hours in Service by Gen. Model
  • IPL List
  • List Interlocks and MPs
  • List Interlocks/Inputs/Outputs and MPs
  • List SIFs and TGs
  • Lists Alarms and TGs
  • Lists BPCS and TGs
  • OUTPUTS Failure Rates
  • Periodic Performance Report
  • PIU Dataset Change Report
  • Proven In Use Statistics
  • SIF/SIS/Logic Solver with no Test Groups
  • SIFs with TGs Test Intervals
  • Specific Input Devices By Unit
  • Specific Output Devices By Unit
  • Spurious Trip
  • Test Group IPLs and Devices
  • Test Groups by Overdue and On Schedule
  • Test Groups with no I/O
  • Test Groups with no Last Test date
  • Tests Groups Due
  • Tier III Summary
  • Tier Scorecard
  • Upcoming Tests
  • Upcoming Tests Look Ahead
Operational Reports:
  • Bypasses Summary/Status
  • Demands
  • Fault/Failure Summary/Status
  • Test Group List
  • Test Summary/Status Reports
  • Device Event Summary
  • Device Performance by Type
  • Device Service Status
  • Devices Without Generic Model
  • Devices Without Model No./Serial No./Service Class
  • Devices Without Test Groups
  • Functions Service Status
  • Functions Without Devices

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you provide an overview of the Operate and Maintain Module?

The Operate and Maintain Module is designed to capture the in-service performance of Safety Related IPLS and Safety Related Devices within a processing facility, and report on the history and status of these entities. Data captured over time allows managers to identify performance trends and address problems and performance. System users can easily define Test Procedures at the unit level and begin recording test data immediately. The Operate and Maintain module uses device event data to generate proven-in-use data and reliability statics.

Does the SLM® system record Risk and Event categorization data.

The SLM® system provides functions to record Risk and Event categorization data. It contains every field required to accurately and effciently fulfill all aspects of the Safety Lifecycle. Bypasses and other Service Status Events are recorded and maintained in the Operate and Maintain module.

How does the SLM® system manage Functional Proof Tests?

Following completion of the Design and Safety Requirements Specication, IPLs can then be associated to Test Procedures in the Operate and Maintain module. The Test Procedure is assigned a First Test Date and a Test Interval facilitating a framework for test planning and scheduling. When system users log a Test Event on a particular Test Procedure, the IPL and the devices are given credit for proven in time. The SLM® system adds proven time on Input and Output devices for Passed test events, and logs failures for any failed test events. Through reporting, proven hours and failed events accumulate on device generic models allowing an Enterprise to track In-Service failure rates for commonly used equipment. As stated earlier, these failure rates can then be fed back into the SIL Calculation when the time comes to
revalidate SIL.

Does the SLM® system offer Bypass Management functionality?

Bypass events can be viewed from the Site, Unit or Function level. Dierent views include; Active Bypasses, Approved Bypasses – Pending Bypass, Bypass Authorizations - Not Approved, Bypass Authorizations – Pending approval, and Closed Bypasses.


Are you ready to take the next step in your Safety Lifecycle Management Journey?

Action Item Tracker

The Action Item Tracker Module is a centralized location where users can log and access assigned action item information from all modules for follow-up and reporting. Data relating to the action item is linked across modules and readily available for reference purposes.

• Filterable data on enterprise Action Items
• Configurable dashboard and KPI reporting
• Single Source of Knowledge for Action Item Status
• Convenient access to related actions
• Custom fields and configurable Action Item list
• Integration with in-house solutions
• Mobile solutions
• Reporting and file attachments
• Stand Alone Action Items allow for creation of independent action items that utilize the built-in notification system to assign items to system users


Click here for full module information

Action Item Tracker

The Action Item Tracker Module is a centralized location where users can log and access assigned action item information from all modules for follow-up and reporting. Data relating to the action item is linked across modules and readily available for reference purposes.

The Action Item Tracker Module is a centralized location where users can log and access assigned action item information from all modules for follow-up and reporting. Data relating to the action item is linked across modules and readily available for reference purposes.



  • Filterable data on enterprise Action Items
  • Configurable dashboard and KPI reporting
  • Single Source of Knowledge for Action Item Status
  • Convenient access to related actions
  • Custom fields and configurable Action Item list
  • Integration with in-house solutions
  • Mobile solutions
  • Reporting and file attachments
  • Stand Alone Action Items allow for creation of independent action items that utilize the built-in notification system to assign items to system users

Managed Action Item Tracker Data:

  • Action Item Assignment
  • Action Item Dashboard
  • Personnel Assignment
  • Open Action Items
  • Closed Action Items
  • Action Id
  • Date Created
  • Category
  • Status
  • Action
  • Reference Contact
  • Linked Object Reference

Action Item Tracker Reports:

  • Action Items Assigned
  • Open Action Types
  • Action Item Summary

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Can you provide an overview of the Action Item Tracker Module?

    The Action Item Tracker Module is a centralized location where users can create and access assigned action item information from all modules for follow-up and reporting. Data relating to the action item is linked across modules and readily available for reference purposes. Custom reports and KPIs are available with a click of the mouse.

    Does SLM® system have ability to assign and monitor tasks/actions within MOC workflow?

    Yes, the SLM® system has robust Action Item Tracking functionality. Action items can be updated through the MOC interface and workflow, or they can be completed through the Action Item Tracker module. The SLM® system is currently configured for Default MOC Action items where positive
    responses to MOC checklists generate action items. Action Items can be cloned to reduce data entry requirements.


    Are you ready to take the next step in your Safety Lifecycle Management Journey?