Functional Safety Management

The Functional Safety Management package provides the following efficiencies:

  • Design a functional safety plan covering all phases of the safety life cycle that a site or plant can uniformly follow.
  • Visually determine organization of personnel roles contributing to the safety life cycle as well as assignments to life cycle phases.
  • Perform Functional Safety Assessments on safety systems with documented qualified competent personnel at any stage of the safety life cycle.
  • Track automatic Functional Safety Assessments results in KPI metrics that compare health of assessed systems across sites.
  • Instantly access the documented information of safety systems required during a Functional Safety Assessment with integrated links to hazard identification, SRS, and operations data.

The Functional Safety Management package is comprised of the following modules:


Designed to be the successor to legacy PHA/HAZOP software tools, the HAZOP Module not only offers an intuitive Human-Machine Interface (UI) to accelerate HAZOP studies and quickly view HAZOP data, but gives organizations the ability to standardize their processes. Instant reports reduce the cost of 3rd party experts, and the underlying data allow SMEs the ability to study how the organization executes risk management.

  • Facilitate HAZOP studies directly in SLM or import HAZOP data from other sources
  • Configure HAZOP facilitation tables to company standards and procedures
  • Conduct project HAZOPs with option to include the results with the HAZOP of record
  • View HAZOP risk assessment results by different levels of scope, such as plant, area, and unit
  • Configure and organize user interface tables to fit style preference
  • Link process equipment to HAZOP scenarios to determine equipment at risk
  • Plot hazardous scenarios on SLM’s Dynamic Risk Matrix
  • Link HAZOP scenarios to LOPA module scenario data
  • Link safeguarding barriers with protective systems identified in later Safety Lifecycle modules
  • Track HAZOP recommendation gap closures
  • Automatically generate Barrier lists as HAZOP scenarios are documented
  • HAZOP Facilitation Report that lists all HAZOP Nodes, Deviations, and Scenarios in one complete output to review, email, print, and share with your team or across the organization
  • HAZOP Recommendations Report that shows all recommendations from a HAZOP in a simple filterable display to help identify the areas of highest priority for resolution and further study
  • Generate Critical Equipment List Report that quickly identifies which equipment is critical to plant safety and how that equipment is covered
  • Generate Action Items for further analysis or study by the HAZOP team directly from any recommendations, then assign and track the item it to closure
  • Initiate HAZOPs directly from the plant hierarchy at the unit level to quickly start HAZOP studies and drive operational awareness
  • HAZOP study approval process with email notification


Click here for full module information


Designed to be the successor to legacy PHA/HAZOP software tools, the HAZOP Module not only offers an intuitive Human-Machine Interface (UI) to accelerate HAZOP studies and quickly view HAZOP data, but gives organizations the ability to standardize their processes. Instant reports reduce the cost of 3rd party experts, and the underlying data allow SMEs the ability to study how the organization executes risk management.

Designed to be the successor to legacy PHA/HAZOP software tools, the HAZOP Module not only offers an intuitive Human-Machine Interface (UI) to accelerate HAZOP studies and quickly view HAZOP data, but gives organizations the ability to standardize their processes. Instant reports reduce the cost of 3rd party experts, and the underlying data allow SMEs the ability to study how the organization executes risk management.



  • Facilitate HAZOP studies directly in SLM or import HAZOP data from other sources
  • Configure HAZOP facilitation tables to company standards and procedures
  • Conduct project HAZOPs with option to include the results with the HAZOP of record
  • View HAZOP risk assessment results by different levels of scope, such as plant, area, and unit
  • Configure and organize user interface tables to fit style preference
  • Link process equipment to HAZOP scenarios to determine equipment at risk
  • Plot hazardous scenarios on SLM’s Dynamic Risk Matrix
  • Link HAZOP scenarios to LOPA module scenario data
  • Link safeguarding barriers with protective systems identified in later Safety Lifecycle modules
  • Track HAZOP recommendation gap closures
  • Automatically generate Barrier lists as HAZOP scenarios are documented
  • HAZOP Facilitation Report that lists all HAZOP Nodes, Deviations, and Scenarios in one complete output to review, email, print, and share with your team or across the organization
  • HAZOP Recommendations Report that shows all recommendations from a HAZOP in a simple filterable display to help identify the areas of highest priority for resolution and further study
  • Generate Critical Equipment List Report that quickly identifies which equipment is critical to plant safety and how that equipment is covered
  • Generate Action Items for further analysis or study by the HAZOP team directly from any recommendations, then assign and track the item it to closure
  • Initiate HAZOPs directly from the plant hierarchy at the unit level to quickly start HAZOP studies and drive operational awareness
  • HAZOP study approval process with email notification

Managed HAZOP Data:

  • Studies by Site, and Operational Unit
  • Study Types (HAZOP of Record,  Project, Re-Evaluation)
  • Dynamic Risk Matrix
  • Dynamic Risk Report
  • Study Properties
  • Team Participants
  • Sessions
  • Nodes
  • Study Equipment
  • Deviations
  • Scenario Causes
  • Scenario Consequences
  • Scenarios with Suggested Safeguards and Recommendations
  • Recommendations
  • Safeguards
  • Report
  • Approval Workflow

HAZOP Reports:

  • Approved HAZOP Study List Dynamic Risk Matrix
  • Critical Equipment List
    1. Inherent Risk Chart
    2. Recommendations
    3. Re-Evaluation Timeline
    4. Review
    5. Safeguard List
    6. Scenarios Requiring LOPA vs. LOPAs Performed

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Does the SLM® System support multiple PHA methodologies?

    The SLM® system supports multiple Process Hazard Analysis methodologies out of the box, some of which includes HAZID, HAZOP, CHAZOP, WHAT-IF, LOPA, etc.

    Does the SLM® System support different HAZOP Types (HAZOP of Record, Project HAZOP, etc.)?

    Yes, the SLM® system uses TÜV certied IEC61511 compliant fault tree calculation methodology which allows for very complex calculations and SIF modeling with a few clicks of a button.

    Is the HAZOP Module configurable, including for different Risk Matrices and Targeted Mitigated Event Likelihoods?

    The SLM® system’s highly configurable Dynamic Risk Matrix (DRM) can be set up at the enterprise level (organizational DRM template) and be synchronized for any Site within the SLM® system. This provides the user the ability to employ the Risk Matrix setup standardized by the organization or, in a case where a Site uses a different setup, modify it to match the accepted standard at the current location. The setup of the DRM includes selecting the Targeted Mitigated Event Likelihood to various Severity Classes

    Does the SLM® System offer template creation for efficiency during PHA process?

    The “Standard Process Deviation” functionality within the SLM® Global Module allows organizations to create their own custom Parameter, Deviation, Guideword to simplify and accelerate the process of performing a HAZOP. At the start of a HAZOP or the creation of a new node in the HAZOP, these previously created Deviations can be opted for inclusion in the node. In addition to setting up Deviations, equipment types can be modeled prior to the HAZOP being performed that bring in Deviations upon the selection of a specifc equipment type, for example: Boilers, Compressors, Drivers, etc.


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    The LOPA Module provides intuitive worksheets to standardize the LOPA process and conduct IPL Assessments. The Dynamic Risk Matrix is configurable and offers real-time risk monitoring and identification. Instant reports and KPIs reveal unmitigated risks to allow IPL gap closure scheduling and progress. These reports offer unprecedented review of risk mitigation strategies.

    • Facilitate LOPA studies directly in SLM or import LOPA data from other sources
    • Configure LOPA data library tables to company standards and procedures
    • Create LOPAs from previously saved LOPA templates
    • Link LOPA scenarios with recorded HAZOP module scenarios
    • Use same list of barriers as HAZOP module for LOPA scenario mitigation
    • Automatically calculate barrier target requirements as LOPA scenarios are documented
    • Automatically calculate expected demand rates on barriers
    • Combine barrier target requirements across multiple scenarios using the same barrier
    • View barrier diagrams displaying sequence of threat propagation through barriers
    • Schedule and track scenario and barrier gap closure
    • Plot LOPA scenarios on SLM’s Dynamic Risk Matrix showing effect of invalid/inadequate barriers, with option to toggle results to include effects of barriers currently in bypass status
    • Link IPL barriers with actual protective systems designed to meet barrier target requirements
    • Automatically generate barrier registers from LOPA data
    • Track LOPA and barrier recommendations
    • Generate Action Items from LOPA recommendations that are automatically added to the Action Item Tracker to ensure all recommendations are mitigated and addressed in a timely manner.
    • Generate Critical Equipment List to provide a list of “equipment at risk” identified during a LOPA Study along with the highest risk in each of the equipment’s associated LOPA Sheets.
    • Filter reports of LOPA scenarios to find specific scenarios containing specific barriers, types of barriers, equipment, and level of severities
    • Generate LOPA Recommendations Report to review all recommendations documented within a LOPA Study


    Click here for full module information


    The LOPA Module provides intuitive worksheets to standardize the LOPA process and conduct IPL Assessments. The Dynamic Risk Matrix is configurable and offers real-time risk monitoring and identification. Instant reports and KPIs reveal unmitigated risks to allow IPL gap closure scheduling and progress. These reports offer unprecedented review of risk mitigation strategies.

    The LOPA Module provides intuitive worksheets to standardize the LOPA process and conduct IPL Assessments. The Dynamic Risk Matrix is configurable and offers real-time risk monitoring and identification. Instant reports and KPIs reveal unmitigated risks to allow IPL gap closure scheduling and progress. These reports offer unprecedented review of risk mitigation strategies.



    • Facilitate LOPA studies directly in SLM or import LOPA data from other sources
    • Configure LOPA data library tables to company standards and procedures
    • Create LOPAs from previously saved LOPA templates
    • Link LOPA scenarios with recorded HAZOP module scenarios
    • Use same list of barriers as HAZOP module for LOPA scenario mitigation
    • Automatically calculate barrier target requirements as LOPA scenarios are documented
    • Automatically calculate expected demand rates on barriers
    • Combine barrier target requirements across multiple scenarios using the same barrier
    • View barrier diagrams displaying sequence of threat propagation through barriers
    • Schedule and track scenario and barrier gap closure
    • Plot LOPA scenarios on SLM’s Dynamic Risk Matrix showing effect of invalid/inadequate barriers, with option to toggle results to include effects of barriers currently in bypass status
    • Link IPL barriers with actual protective systems designed to meet barrier target requirements
    • Automatically generate barrier registers from LOPA data
    • Track LOPA and barrier recommendations
    • Generate Action Items from LOPA recommendations that are automatically added to the Action Item Tracker to ensure all recommendations are mitigated and addressed in a timely manner.
    • Generate Critical Equipment List to provide a list of “equipment at risk” identified during a LOPA Study along with the highest risk in each of the equipment's associated LOPA Sheets.
    • Filter reports of LOPA scenarios to find specific scenarios containing specific barriers, types of barriers, equipment, and level of severities
    • Generate LOPA Recommendations Report to review all recommendations documented within a LOPA Study

    Managed LOPA Data:

    • LOPA Dynamic Risk Matrix
    • Risk Gap Report Planed Risk Reduction by Year
    • LOPA Equipment Listing
    • IPL Register (Enterprise, Site and Unit)
    • Credited IPL Register (Site, Unit)
    • LOPA Recommendations (Site, Unit)
    • LOPA Studies
    • LOPA Worksheets
    • PHA Consequences and Risk Target
    • Frequency Modifiers
    • Initiating Causes (IC) x Frequency Modifiers
    • Independent Protection Layers (IPLs)
    • Probability of Failure on Demand (PFD) of SIF
    • Potential Risk Reduction Measures
    • Remaining Risk Reduction Factor (RRF) with Recommendations
    • Notes, Comments, Calculations
    • IPL Study Tasklists
    • LOPA Recommendations and Action Items

    LOPA Reports:

    • Credited IPLs vs. Recommended IPLs
    • Dynamic Risk Matrix
    • IPL Assessment Overview
    • IPL Credit Breakdown
    • IPL Credit By Unit Type
    • LOPA Critical Equipment List
    • LOPA IPL Register
    • LOPA Recommendations
    • LOPA Sheets with Open Recommendations
    • LOPA Worksheets List
    • Safety Critical Instrument List

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Are the HAZOP & LOPA Modules Integrated?

    The SLM® system’s HAZOP and LOPA modules are integrated. This integration allows users to complete HAZOP and generate LOPAs on specific scenarios or generate a LOPA during the HAZOP. All information identified during the HAZOP automatically populates LOPA with links between scenarios.

    Does SLM® generate diagrams, User Friendly Graphics, and other representations of Layers of Protection?

    Yes, the SLM® system automatically generates IPL diagrams showing each LOPA scenario that a selected IPL is credited for. The IPL diagrams are easy for a non-expert to understand as they show the initiating events, protection layers, and consequence in an intuitive way.

    How does the SLM® System handle Initiating Causes Types?

    Each LOPA worksheet allows users to select from a dynamic dropdown that will identify typical Cause Types based on the selected Cause Source (Equipment Error, Human Error (Frequency), and Human Error (Probability). The SLM® system is congurable to allow administrators to add new cause types as needed.

    Does the SLM® System include Checklists for assessments to be completed?

    Yes, the SLM® system includes over 70 standard checklists. The SLM system administrators can add a new checklist to any object or object type in the System Module. The SLM® system also has reporting capabilities to track completion progress of any checklists.


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    BowTie Barrier Assurance

    The Bow Tie Module incorporates existing hazard analysis data to facilitate Risk Analysis and Risk Assessments on mitigative and preventive barriers. Bow Tie analysis is becoming increasingly common at communicating important risk mitigation measures for a wide range of facilities. Integration with the evergreen data in the LOPA Module ensures analysis is using the most up-to-date risk information. Bow Ties provide a visual and interactive experience; allowing users to identify preventive and mitigating barriers. With the barrier assurance workflow, users have a complete picture of all barrier levels to determine the total risk of a hazardous event within the plant.

    • Automatically create Bow Ties using existing LOPA data
    • Data linkage to other modules
    • Bow Tie analysis assessment checklist
    • Intuitive graphical interface
    • Add unlimited threats, mitigations, and consequences to the top hazard event
    • Export via PDF or Excel
    • Barrier Assurance checklists and workflows
    Click here for full module information

    BowTie Barrier Assurance

    The Bow Tie Module incorporates existing hazard analysis data to facilitate Risk Analysis and Risk Assessments on mitigative and preventive barriers. Bow Tie analysis is becoming increasingly common at communicating important risk mitigation measures for a wide range of facilities. Integration with the evergreen data in the LOPA Module ensures analysis is using the most up-to-date risk information. Bow Ties provide a visual and interactive experience; allowing users to identify preventive and mitigating barriers. With the barrier assurance workflow, users have a complete picture of all barrier levels to determine the total risk of a hazardous event within the plant.


    • Automatically create Bow Ties using existing LOPA data
    • Data linkage to other modules
    • Bow Tie analysis assessment checklist
    • Intuitive graphical interface
    • Add unlimited threats, mitigations, and consequences to the top hazard event
    • Export via PDF or Excel
    • Barrier Assurance checklists and workflows

    Managed BowTie Barrier Assurance Data:

    • Hazard
    • Causes
    • Preventative Barriers
    • Barrier Assurance Checklists for Preventative Barriers
    • Consequences (Type, Effectiveness, Criticality)
    • Mitigation Barriers (Type Effectiveness, Criticality)
    • Barrier Assurance Checklist's for Mitigation Barriers
    • Bow Tie Task Lists

    BowTie Barrier Assurance Reports:

    • Bow Ties
    • Bow Ties Fit For Service Results

    Frequently Asked Questions

    How can the SLM® BowTie Module benefit my business/plant?

    Analysis and Visibility - Comprehensive analysis via user-friendly visual representation of preventative barriers such as shutdown functions and mitigative barriers such as blast walls, containment systems or fire and gas systems for a complete picture of all available means to achieve risk reduction goals/targets.

    Who owns the data in the BowTie Module?

    Typically, evergreen BowTie Study data is owned by PSM Resources. Additional BowTie studies can be done by any number of users across several Engineering Disciplines.

    Who at my company would use the BowTie Module and what would they use it for?

    PHA Teams - In support of IPL Analysis during PHA Study Planning, Execution, Reporting, and Sharing data.

    PSM Engineers - Support during Bypass Risk Assessments, Failure Analysis, and Project Planning and Execution.

    Can you provide an overview of the Bowtie Module?

    The BowTie Module incorporates your existing hazard analysis data to facilitate Risk Analysis and Risk Assessments on your mitigation and prevention barriers. BowTie analysis communicates important risk mitigation measures for a wide range of facilities. Integration with the evergreen data in the LOPA Module ensures analysis is using the most up-to-date information at your organization’s fingertips.
    BowTies provide a visual and interactive experience; allowing users to identify preventive and mitigating barriers. With the barrier assurance workflow, users have a complete picture of all barrier levels to determine the total risk of a hazardous event within the plant.


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    Functional Safety Assessments

    The SLM Functional Safety Assessment module allows for execution of Stage 1 through Stage 5 FSAs in a standardized format ensuring consistency throughout the organization. The FSA Module defines requirements for an FSA and then use the application to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of execution.

    The integration of all Safety Life Cycle data provided by SLM also allows for effective integration of FSA data with other critical data such as HAZOP and LOPA studies, Safety Requirements Specifications and SIS performance.

    • Perform FSAs
    • Perform site assessments
    • Perform SIS audits
    • Standardize or modify FSA checklists
    • Track completion using checklists for self and external SIS assessments
    • Compare self-assessments with external assessments
    • Track Action Items identified during execution of FSA
    • Automatically generate FSA Final Report
    Click here for full module information

    Functional Safety Assessment

    The SLM Functional Safety Assessment module allows for execution of Stage 1 through Stage 5 FSAs in a standardized format ensuring consistency throughout the organization. The FSA Module defines requirements for an FSA and then use the application to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of execution.

    The integration of all Safety Life Cycle data provided by SLM also allows for effective integration of FSA data with other critical data such as HAZOP and LOPA studies, Safety Requirements Specifications and SIS performance.



    • Perform FSAs
    • Perform site assessments
    • Perform SIS audits
    • Standardize or modify FSA checklists
    • Track completion using checklists for self and external SIS assessments
    • Compare self-assessments with external assessments
    • Track Action Items identified during execution of FSA
    • Automatically generate FSA Final Report

    Managed Functional Safety Assessment Data:

    • Functional Safety Plan
    • Organogram of Safety Plan and Roles
    • FSA Overview
    • Self Assessment Overview
    • SIS Audit Overview
    • KPI CAS Overview
    • 3 Stage, 4 Stage, 5 Stage FSA Workflows
    • Action Item Assignment and Resolution
    • Participants
    • Introduction and Summary
    • Checklists
    • Interviews

    Functional Safety Assessment Reports:

    • Functional Safety Plan Report
    • Functional Safety Assessment Report
    • FSA Checklists Completion
    • FSA SSRS Final Report

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Can the software support audit mechanisms and provide/generate checklists for use in assessments and audits; EX: Functional Safety Assessments?

    The SLM® system includes a fully developed Functional Safety Assessment (FSA) module that utilizes a workflow process and developed but modifiable checklists to allow users unfamiliar with assessment processes to easily manage assessment workflows and reporting. The user can select different types of assessments or audits, and checklist and interview requirements are populated as required.

    How can the FSA Module benefit my plant/business?

    The FSA module truly highlights the power of the SLM® system. Stage 1-5 Functional Safety Assessments become extremely efficient once Process Safety Information, Design, and other relevant data are entered. This can offer greater visibility into potential issues before they become costly to remediate.

    Who owns the data in the FSA Module?

    Typically, data in the FSA Module is owned by FSA Execution Teams as well as Engineering Managers.

    Who at my company (titles/positions) would use (Module) and what would they use it for?

    FSA Execution Teams would be the primary users to take advantage of the FSAs user friendly workflows. Additionally Engineering Teams would want access to this information after they have been completed.


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    Instrumented Systems

    The Instrumented Systems Module documents instrument-related protection systems and associated Sensor/Final Element voting structures, culminating in evergreen Safety Requirement Specifications (SRS), SIL Verification, and automatically compiled Cause & Effect Matrices.

    • Record engineering data for instrument-related risk protection systems
    • Automate generation of protective systems registers with differentiation between kinds of systems
    • Link safety functions to LOPA scenarios
    • Identify safety critical instrumentation with linked risk scenario data
    • Automate incorporation of design checklists during system identification/design
    • Configure, build, edit and view SRSs
    • Track SRS completion with automated completion KPI
    • Build instrumented system architectures with sensor/final element voting structures
    • Execute SIL calculations on instrumented systems with SLM’s TUV-certified SIL Calc engine
    • Evaluate SIL calculation results from multiple failure rate sources at once
    • Utilize prior use component failure rates in the SIL calculations from compiled event data in SLM’s Operate/Maintain module
    • Optimize system component testing requirements with sensitivity graphs
    • Compare SIL calculation results with calculated target requirements from risk scenario data
    • Render the system’s architecture in a function diagram displaying logical view of the system’s sensor and final element voting
    • Save well-designed systems as templates to use in other operational areas
    • Generate cause & effect matrices automatically from designed instrumented system


    Click here for full module information

    Instrumented Systems

    The Instrumented Systems Module documents instrument-related protection systems and associated Sensor/Final Element voting structures, culminating in evergreen Safety Requirement Specifications (SRS), SIL Verification, and automatically compiled Cause & Effect Matrices.

    The Instrumented Systems Module documents instrument-related protection systems and associated Sensor/Final Element voting structures, culminating in evergreen Safety Requirement Specifications (SRS), SIL Verification, and automatically compiled Cause & Effect Matrices.



    • Record engineering data for instrument-related risk protection systems
    • Automate generation of protective systems registers with differentiation between kinds of systems
    • Link safety functions to LOPA scenarios
    • Identify safety critical instrumentation with linked risk scenario data
    • Automate incorporation of design checklists during system identification/design
    • Configure, build, edit and view SRSs
    • Track SRS completion with automated completion KPI
    • Build instrumented system architectures with sensor/final element voting structures
    • Execute SIL calculations on instrumented systems with SLM’s TUV-certified SIL Calc engine
    • Evaluate SIL calculation results from multiple failure rate sources at once
    • Utilize prior use component failure rates in the SIL calculations from compiled event data in SLM’s Operate/Maintain module
    • Optimize system component testing requirements with sensitivity graphs
    • Compare SIL calculation results with calculated target requirements from risk scenario data
    • Render the system’s architecture in a function diagram displaying logical view of the system’s sensor and final element voting
    • Save well-designed systems as templates to use in other operational areas
    • Generate cause & effect matrices automatically from designed instrumented system

    Managed Instrumented Systems Data:

    • Function Type Summary (Enterprise, Site, Operating Unit)
    • Associated IPL's
    • Associated Documents
    • Alarms
    • BPCSs
    • Cause & Effect Matrices
    • Equipment
    • Interlocks
    • SIFs
    • SIL Calc Summary
    • Performance
    • Operation
    • Aux Functions
    • Testing/Faults
    • Instrument Inputs
    • Instrument Outputs
    • I/O Sensitivity
    • PFD by Type
    • RRF by Type
    • LOPA References
    • Associated Documentation
    • SIF SRS Printout
    • SISs
    • Functional Requirements
    • Design Requirements
    • Testing Requirements
    • LOPA References
    • Associated IPL's
    • Task Lists and Summary's
    • Input Lists
    • Output Lists

    Instrumented Systems Reports:

    • Alarm Asset Protection Category Report
    • Alarm Group Asset Protection Category Report
    • BPCS Asset Protection Category Report
    • Document List
    • Function Type Summary
    • Generic SIF Templates
    • Input/Output Asset Types
    • Interlock Asset Protection Category Report
    • SIF Asset Protection Category Report
    • SRS Completion
    • SIF Printout / Report (SSRS)

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Does the SLM® system include Checklists for assessments to be completed?

    Yes, the SLM system includes over 70 standard checklists. The SLM® system Administrators can add new checklist to any object or object type in the System Module. The SLM® system also has reporting capabilities to track completion progress of any checklists.

    Does the SLM® system include Safety Integrity Level (SIL) Calculations

    Yes, the SLM® system uses TÜV certied IEC61511 compliant fault tree calculation methodology which allows for very complex calculations and SIF modeling with a few clicks of a button.

    Does the SLM® system allow tracking of elements not used in the SIL Calculation?

    Yes, the SRS allow modeling of inputs and outputs that are not part of the SIL calculation to allow for a complete architecture and automatic generation of complete C&E matrices.

    Does the SLM® system allow creation of Cause & Effect Matrices?

    Yes, users can quickly create C&E matrices. the SLM® system oers the below functionality for C&E


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    Action Item Tracker

    The Action Item Tracker Module is a centralized location where users can log and access assigned action item information from all modules for follow-up and reporting. Data relating to the action item is linked across modules and readily available for reference purposes.

    • Filterable data on enterprise Action Items
    • Configurable dashboard and KPI reporting
    • Single Source of Knowledge for Action Item Status
    • Convenient access to related actions
    • Custom fields and configurable Action Item list
    • Integration with in-house solutions
    • Mobile solutions
    • Reporting and file attachments
    • Stand Alone Action Items allow for creation of independent action items that utilize the built-in notification system to assign items to system users


    Click here for full module information

    Action Item Tracker

    The Action Item Tracker Module is a centralized location where users can log and access assigned action item information from all modules for follow-up and reporting. Data relating to the action item is linked across modules and readily available for reference purposes.

    The Action Item Tracker Module is a centralized location where users can log and access assigned action item information from all modules for follow-up and reporting. Data relating to the action item is linked across modules and readily available for reference purposes.



    • Filterable data on enterprise Action Items
    • Configurable dashboard and KPI reporting
    • Single Source of Knowledge for Action Item Status
    • Convenient access to related actions
    • Custom fields and configurable Action Item list
    • Integration with in-house solutions
    • Mobile solutions
    • Reporting and file attachments
    • Stand Alone Action Items allow for creation of independent action items that utilize the built-in notification system to assign items to system users

    Managed Action Item Tracker Data:

    • Action Item Assignment
    • Action Item Dashboard
    • Personnel Assignment
    • Open Action Items
    • Closed Action Items
    • Action Id
    • Date Created
    • Category
    • Status
    • Action
    • Reference Contact
    • Linked Object Reference

    Action Item Tracker Reports:

    • Action Items Assigned
    • Open Action Types
    • Action Item Summary

      Frequently Asked Questions

      Can you provide an overview of the Action Item Tracker Module?

      The Action Item Tracker Module is a centralized location where users can create and access assigned action item information from all modules for follow-up and reporting. Data relating to the action item is linked across modules and readily available for reference purposes. Custom reports and KPIs are available with a click of the mouse.

      Does SLM® system have ability to assign and monitor tasks/actions within MOC workflow?

      Yes, the SLM® system has robust Action Item Tracking functionality. Action items can be updated through the MOC interface and workflow, or they can be completed through the Action Item Tracker module. The SLM® system is currently configured for Default MOC Action items where positive
      responses to MOC checklists generate action items. Action Items can be cloned to reduce data entry requirements.


      Are you ready to take the next step in your Safety Lifecycle Management Journey?